Solopreneur Europe Middle East Africa

Solopreneur Europe Middle East Africa

🌍 Solopreneur Europe Middle East Africa

Solopreneur Europe Middle East Africa (single entrepreneurs) or startup members should create and utilize a successful business model based on the DIKW pyramid theory. The following information is necessary when conducting business in each region as a solopreneur (single entrepreneur) or member of a startup.

🌎 Europe Middle East Africa Basic Information

Basic information around Europe Middle East Africa is based on Google AdSense regional category data and categorized by SimilarWeb, which provides website analysis data, into the Top 50 most visited websites and country data, as shown below.

No.Region Category (Data : Google Adsense)Country Name (Data : Similarweb)LanguagesTotal
1🌍 Europe Middle East Africa🇦🇹 Austria | 🇧🇪 Belgium | 🇧🇬 Bulgaria | 🇭🇷 Croatia | 🇨🇿 Czech Republic |
🇩🇰 Denmark | 🇪🇬 Egypt | 🇫🇮 Finland | 🇫🇷 France | 🇩🇪 Germany | 🇬🇷 Greece |
🇭🇺 Hungary | 🇮🇶 Iraq | 🇮🇪 Ireland | 🇮🇱 Israel | 🇮🇹 Italy | 🇰🇼 Kuwait |
🇲🇦 Morocco | 🇳🇱 Netherlands | 🇳🇴 Norway | 🇵🇱 Poland | 🇵🇹 Portugal |
🇶🇦 Qatar | 🇷🇴 Romania | 🇷🇺 Russia | 🇸🇦 Saudi Arabia | 🇷🇸 Serbia |
🇸🇰 Slovakia | 🇿🇦 South Africa | 🇪🇸 Spain | 🇸🇪 Sweden | 🇨🇭 Switzerland |
🇹🇷 Turkey | 🇺🇦 Ukraine | 🇦🇪 United Arab Emirates | 🇬🇧 United Kingdom
German, French, Dutch, Bulgarian, Croatian,
Czech, Danish, Arabic, Finnish, Swedish,
Greek, Hungarian, Kurdish, Irish, Hebrew,
Italian, Norwegian, Polish, Portuguese, Romanian,
Russian, Serbian, Slovak, Afrikaans, Spanish,
Swedish, Romansh, Turkish, Ukrainian
Total🌐 Worldwide🌐 Worldwide
🌎 Europe Middle East Africa Basic Information

Common keywords by generation: “Age, money, time”

In order to create a successful business model, Europe Middle East Africa solopreneurs must design a business that will be preferred by the age group of consumers and potential customers based on the region’s demographic structure. For reference, the Korean Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism analyzed the characteristics and interests of each generation using big data based on Kakao (Daum Corp.) online community posts from 2016 to 2018. As a result, the characteristics and interests of each generation were “age, money, , Time” emerged as the main concern. “Age, money, time” can be summarized in one word: “survival.” The table below divides each generation into Google AdSense categories related to their main interests and keywords.

AgeInterestsKeywordsGoogle Adsense
20 to 30JobEmployment💼 Employment, education
30 to 40Job, Economy, Real estateEmployment, Economy, Real estate, Diplomacy and Security, Pension, Two-job, concurrent job, etc.💼 Employment, education, 📰 News, 💰 Finance, 🌆 Real estate, ⚖️ Judicial and government agencies, 🧑‍💼 Business, industry
MomsChild care, JobChild care, Private education expenses, Children’s investment, etc.💼 Employment, education, 📰 News, 💰 Finance, 🛒 Shopping
50 to 60Health, JobHealth, Children’s issues, etc.💼 Employment, education, 💊 Health, 📰 News, 💰 Finance, 🌆 Real estate, ⚖️ Judicial and government agencies, 🧑‍💼 Business, industry
Common keywords by generation

Europe Middle East Africa Google Adsense Estimate Profit

Google AdSense provides a function called the Google AdSense Profit Calculator that allows various types of solo entrepreneurs and startups to check how much profit they can earn by providing content.

To do business through Google AdSense as a solopreneur, it is important to know how much profit you can earn through Google AdSense. Accordingly, Google provides two versions of the revenue calculator, basically dividing it into 4 regions and 25 content categories.

The Google AdSense expected profit calculator data is based on 50,000 monthly page views, which is the number of monthly visitors loading and viewing website pages and does not guarantee or promise that the data can generate the same amount of revenue. Expected revenue is calculated based on the selected content category and region, but please note that actual revenue will vary depending on many factors, including advertiser demand, user location, user device, content category, season, ad size, and currency fluctuations.

Europe Middle East Africa Google Adsense Estimate Profit Table

Among the two versions of the Worldwide Google AdSense expected revenue calculator, the total for the Europe Middle East Africa is tabulated based on 25 content categories as follows.

No.CategoryGoogle Adsense (US)Google Adsense (KO)TotalAverage
1💊 Health$1,900.00$3,204.00$5,104.00$2,552.00
2🎮 Game$1,000.00$2,412.00$3,412.00$1,706.00
3🔬 Science$1,000.00$2,286.00$3,286.00$1,643.00
4💰 Finance$2,500.00$11,682.00$14,182.00$7,091.00
5📰 News$1,200.00$1,200.00$2,400.00$1,200.00
6📚 Books and literature$600.00$1,590.00$2,190.00$1,095.00
7💪 Beauty, Fitness$1,800.00$4,152.00$5,952.00$2,976.00
8🌆 Real estate$1,200.00$3,114.00$4,314.00$2,157.00
9⚖️ Judicial and government agencies$1,500.00$3,228.00$4,728.00$2,364.00
10🧑‍💼 Business, industry$1,300.00$4,950.00$6,250.00$3,125.00
11🛒 Shopping$1,700.00$4,626.00$6,326.00$3,163.00
12🚴‍♀️ Sports$600.00$1,566.00$2,166.00$1,083.00
13🍱 Food and drink$1,100.00$2,988.00$4,088.00$2,044.00
14🐶 Pets and animals$1,300.00$2,982.00$4,282.00$2,141.00
15🧳 Travel$1,900.00$4,878.00$6,778.00$3,389.00
16🧑‍🎨 Arts, Entertainment$900.00$2,172.00$3,072.00$1,536.00
17🫂 Online Community$1,000.00$3,510.00$4,510.00$2,255.00
18👥 People, Society$800.00$1,956.00$2,756.00$1,378.00
19🌐 Internet, Communication$1,400.00$5,274.00$6,674.00$3,337.00
20🏡 Interior and landscaping$3,000.00$6,468.00$9,468.00$4,734.00
21🚘 Automobile$1,300.00$3,336.00$4,636.00$2,318.00
22🔖 References$1,100.00$3,012.00$4,112.00$2,056.00
23🎱 Hobbies, Leisure$1,600.00$3,222.00$4,822.00$2,411.00
24💼 Employment, education$1,100.00$2,928.00$4,028.00$2,014.00
25💻 Computer and Electoronics$1,500.00$4,584.00$6,084.00$3,042.00
Europe Middle East Africa Google Adsense Estimate Profit Table

Europe Middle East Africa Google Adsense Expected Profit Chart

As a solopreneur around Europe Middle East Africa, I charted the sum of the expected revenue from the two versions of Google AdSense and analyzed it to indicate content category rankings as shown above.

If we divide the Europe Middle East Africa content category rankings based on Google AdSense expected revenue 💰 Finance is the content category that can generate the most revenue, and this is based on the “Age, Money and Time” of the characteristics and interests of each generation as analyzed by big data by the Korean Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism mentioned above.

Learning how to make money is an essential part of people’s survival in the world and is probably a part of all desires. If you look at the content categories classified in Google AdSense based on the basic needs of money and survival, you will be able to establish a successful business strategy as a solopreneur around the world. For more information, please check out our Europe Middle East Africa Content Category Rankings table.

List of Europe Middle East Africa Content Category Ranking

1💰 Finance$14,182.00
2🏡 Interior and landscaping$9,468.00
3🧳 Travel$6,778.00
4🌐 Internet, Communication$6,674.00
5🛒 Shopping$6,326.00
6🧑‍💼 Business, industry$6,250.00
7💻 Computer and Electoronics$6,084.00
8💪 Beauty, Fitness$5,952.00
9💊 Health$5,104.00
10🎱 Hobbies, Leisure$4,822.00
11⚖️ Judicial and government agencies$4,728.00
12🚘 Automobile$4,636.00
13🫂 Online Community$4,510.00
14🌆 Real estate$4,314.00
15🐶 Pets and animals$4,282.00
16🔖 References$4,112.00
17🍱 Food and drink$4,088.00
18💼 Employment, education$4,028.00
19🎮 Game$3,412.00
20🔬 Science$3,286.00
21🧑‍🎨 Arts, Entertainment$3,072.00
22👥 People, Society$2,756.00
23📰 News$2,400.00
24📚 Books and literature$2,190.00
25🚴‍♀️ Sports$2,166.00
List of Europe Middle East Africa Content Category Ranking

Analysis list of major countries around Europe Middle East Africa

In the list of major countries around Europe Middle East Africa, the countries for which data is provided are marked with a ⭕ so that you can see at a glance which countries provide data from Similar Web, Google Trends, and Google News Showcase. Countries that are not provided are marked with a ✖️. If you would like to know more detailed information by country, please click on the link for each country in the table.

No.Country NameRegionSimilarwebDaily search trendsRealtime search trendsGoogle News Showcase
1🇦🇹 Austria🌍 Europe Middle East Africa
2🇧🇪 Belgium🌍 Europe Middle East Africa
3🇧🇬 Bulgaria🌍 Europe Middle East Africa✖️✖️✖️
4🇭🇷 Croatia🌍 Europe Middle East Africa✖️✖️✖️
5🇨🇿 Czech Republic🌍 Europe Middle East Africa✖️
6🇩🇰 Denmark🌍 Europe Middle East Africa✖️✖️
7🇪🇬 Egypt🌍 Europe Middle East Africa✖️✖️
8🇫🇮 Finland🌍 Europe Middle East Africa✖️✖️
9🇫🇷 France🌍 Europe Middle East Africa
10🇩🇪 Germany🌍 Europe Middle East Africa✖️
11🇬🇷 Greece🌍 Europe Middle East Africa✖️
12🇭🇺 Hungary🌍 Europe Middle East Africa✖️✖️
13🇮🇶 Iraq🌍 Europe Middle East Africa✖️✖️✖️
14🇮🇪 Ireland🌍 Europe Middle East Africa
15🇮🇱 Israel🌍 Europe Middle East Africa✖️✖️
16🇮🇹 Italy🌍 Europe Middle East Africa
17🇰🇪 Kenya🌍 Europe Middle East Africa✖️✖️✖️
18🇰🇼 Kuwait🌍 Europe Middle East Africa✖️✖️✖️
19🇲🇦 Morocco🌍 Europe Middle East Africa✖️✖️✖️
20🇳🇱 Netherlands🌍 Europe Middle East Africa✖️
21🇳🇬 Nigeria🌍 Europe Middle East Africa✖️✖️✖️
22🇳🇴 Norway🌍 Europe Middle East Africa✖️
23🇵🇱 Poland🌍 Europe Middle East Africa
24🇵🇹 Portugal🌍 Europe Middle East Africa
25🇶🇦 Qatar🌍 Europe Middle East Africa✖️✖️✖️
26🇷🇴 Romania🌍 Europe Middle East Africa✖️
27🇷🇺 Russia🌍 Europe Middle East Africa✖️
28🇸🇦 Saudi Arabia🌍 Europe Middle East Africa✖️✖️
29🇷🇸 Serbia🌍 Europe Middle East Africa✖️✖️✖️
30🇸🇰 Slovakia🌍 Europe Middle East Africa✖️✖️
31🇸🇮 Slovenia🌍 Europe Middle East Africa✖️✖️✖️
32🇿🇦 South Africa🌍 Europe Middle East Africa✖️✖️
33🇪🇸 Spain🌍 Europe Middle East Africa
34🇸🇪 Sweden🌍 Europe Middle East Africa✖️
35🇨🇭 Switzerland🌍 Europe Middle East Africa✖️
36🇹🇷 Turkey🌍 Europe Middle East Africa✖️
37🇺🇦 Ukraine🌍 Europe Middle East Africa✖️✖️
38🇦🇪 United Arab Emirates🌍 Europe Middle East Africa✖️✖️✖️
39🇬🇧 United Kingdom🌍 Europe Middle East Africa
Analysis list of major countries around Europe Middle East Africa


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